
What’s new in Internet Explorer 8

, 3 minutes to read

ie7 logo

Internet Explorer developers said on their blog that their browser in standards mode passed the Acid2 test. Perhaps all web designers have been waiting for this news for several years. The first beta, which will move IE to the present, should be released in the first quarter of this year. CSS3 and HTML5 are knocking on the door, but the move forward, although IE is still behind, is very commendable. IE7 was also a significant advance, which, in addition to higher security, brought support for transparent PNG and at least the elimination of the biggest rendering errors.


For many years, table layout was the most popular positioning mechanism. It is now possible to apply the table layout to other HTML elements. Just change the CSS value of border7. Many changes have been made to the behavior of properties margin and float, which is similar to property border-spacing0 according to the CSS 2.1 specification. The new property outline behaves in the same way as §2, except that it does not change the dimensions of the element. Other new features are, for example, §3, caption-side, counter-reset, counter-increment, windows or orphans.

Data URI

Images and can be saved directly to the HTML source code of the page. Just use base64 encoding and data protocol.

<img src="">



JScript now provides a way to override methods and create new ones instantly on all object instances. This allows you to change DOM objects naturally as if they were JScript objects.


This is an API that is used to select elements in the same way that elements are selected in styling. You can select either one or more components using methods querySelector and querySelectorAll. This is a very fast and optimized way.

var ele = document.querySelector('#elementId');
var allDetails = document.querySelectorAll('div.detail');
var allParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');


HTTP cookies that are outdated by this technology replace objects window.sessionStorage and window.localStorage. They allow you to store up to 10 MB of data very easily. Session storage differs only in that the content is deleted when the browser is closed. Local storage is for each subdomain separately. localStorage['example.com'] is therefore accessible to subdomains. On the other hand, localStorage['www.example.com'] is only accessible to domain example.com and not, for example, mail.example.com.

var storage = window.localStorage;
if (!storage.pageLoadCount) storage.pageLoadCount = 0;
storage.pageLoadCount = parseInt(storage.pageLoadCount, 10) + 1;
document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = storage.pageLoadCount;



To deserialize objects from a string received by XHR, the JSON.parse method is used. For serialization, the JSON.stringify method is available. The serialization of a custom object can be modified by implementing the toJSON method.


Sites from different domains can send messages to each other using the postMessage method and receive them by the onmessage event handler.


Cross-domain Request allows you to consume services from different domains. Object XDomainRequest restricts and secures the connection between untrusted parts of the page.


The original ActiveX object MSXML, which was created for Microsoft Outlook Web Access, has become very popular and is changing the way we work with the Web today. However, because it is good to disable support for ActiveX for security reasons (the vast majority of security risks will disappear), an object XmlHttpRequest was created, which will provide functionality without the need to refer to ActiveX. It has been implemented in IE7. The eighth version adds the ability to set the timeout property. To use the back button in connection with dynamic page refresh, the URL of the page can be changed via document.location.hash.