Modern. IE
Before deploying a Windows Store app, it’s a good practice to run the Windows App Certification Kit. Something like this was missing for web applications. You may think that this is not necessary, because in practice the browser adapts more to the web page than the page to the browser. However, if you want to blur the distinction between a client application and a web application, you need to allow the browser to integrate it into the system. And this needs to be followed by a few basic points. Read more ›

Web Semantics in Practice – Authorship of the Article
Google has started enriching its search results today. If a page contains an article in search results, the snippet is accompanied by the author’s name and photo. Because Google relies on semantics defined by microformat and schema.org syntax in this case, the implementation is straightforward. The web designer also has a semantic data validator at his disposal. However, it also has major pitfalls. The author cannot do without a Google Plus profile. Read more ›

Web microformats
The meaning of the content of the website should be fully described by HTML tags. The web was rapidly expanding beyond academia, and new tags were needed to tag content ranging from business cards to recipes. Because browsers had problems styling new tags unknown to them, marking content in a roundabout way took place through special CSS class names. These practices are referred to as microformats, and they are the most successful method of increasing the semantics of a website. Read more ›