
🏷️ HTML5

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Blazor is .NET in a Web Browser. What Makes it Possible?

The most powerful, performant, and easy-to-use UI framework is HTML with CSS and JavaScript. DirectX has an extremely high development cost, and UWP is missing many features that are standard in CSS. The Achilles' heel of pure web development is JavaScript. When you use a higher-level language compiled to JavaScript, one question arises: is JavaScript an efficient intermediate language? The answer is no, and the result is a web bytecode called WebAssembly. Read more ›

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Vendor prefixes in CSS are losing their meaning, IE is starting to ignore them

The browser manufacturer’s prefixes in cascading style sheets (-ms-, -moz-, -webkit-, -khtml-, -o-) lose their meaning. Internet Explorer 11 stops noticing them and instead starts to support some features designed for experimental introduction of new techniques into WebKit. Web developers deliberately prefer only one browser, most often with the WebKit engine, and thus create the false impression that other browsers cannot do the same. However, the opposite is often true. Read more ›

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See what you can use

The Internet Explorer product team has created a special page where developers can learn which parts of HTML5 and other web standards are already supported, which are in development, or which are not yet planned to be implemented. You can quickly find all the essential information in one place. From what version can you use what, at what stage is the specification and how are other browsers doing. There is a short description of everything, so you will immediately know what it is. Read more ›

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Does Internet Explorer support HTML5 enough?

I often hear the opinion that Internet Explorer does not support HTML5 technologies as much as other browsers. When I think that technology is a production process and I think that we are talking about standards, I still cannot shake off the impression that the opposite is true. The level of support certainly cannot be expressed in one number. And if so, it is necessary to think about what such a number reveals. HTML5 is a huge spec with many all-around useful and many one-sided benefits. Read more ›

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Speed up your website

The website is mainly used by users who do not have a machine that is nearly as powerful as their developer. Therefore, the client often does not realize that the page is rendering slowly. Avoid practices that slow down page rendering and adopt techniques that can make your web pages noticeably faster. Review the most common best practices, summarized in a few concise points, without going into too much detail. They describe both client-side and server-side steps. Read more ›

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What Internet Explorer 11 brings

After a year, Internet Explorer brings many improvements for developers and users again. The eleventh version will be included in Windows 8.1. It supports SPDY protocol and rendering via WebGL. Includes improved developer tools. A page pinned to the Start screen can change its tile just like a native app. Browser settings are synced across devices. Internet Explorer 11 Preview is available for MSDN Subscription holders to download. Read more ›

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HTML5 and Local Storage

Local Storage is storage that provides an internet browser to a website. As with cookies, data is stored in the form of a key – value. However, the significant difference is that cookies send their data in each HTTP request. Data in Local Storage is only available on the client via JavaScript. There is no limit to the number of keys and the data does not expire. In addition, data is shared between multiple windows of the same browser, which does not apply to data in cookies unless this functionality is provided by the server. Read more ›

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W3 Releases First HTML5 Draft

HTML is moving forward again after a very long time. Since two groups are currently working on the same thing, we can only hope that the HTML5 specification from the W3 will not be fundamentally different from the WHATWG. If they differ, we can only hope that browser manufacturers will ditch W3 and lean more towards the WHATWG group, which is trying to define everything properly. Especially behavior in the event of incorrect syntax, which 99.9% of websites have. Read more ›